
UNGS 1201 : Week 13 : The Sustainable Development Proposal & Project

                     Hyeee and I hope all of you have a good day ! On this blog I will share all the proposals and projects that come out from my classmates relating to sustainable development. All the projects are very interesting and beneficial for our life and our earth. Are you excited to here ? heheh let's go !                 First of all, the proposal of " Menstrual cloth reusable pads ".  Cloth pads mimic what women used historically and so are easy to adopt. Some have a foldable shape that does not resemble a pad when drying . Some  have an antimicrobial top layer for improved hygiene. They typically last for 12 to 24 months. Most are biodegradable. Lifecycle costs are significantly lower than disposable pads and they are easier to manage when compared to traditional cloth, although hygienic use still requires commitment to washing and drying. Around 12% of women in the UK  are estimated  to use reusable cloth pads. Ranges of “period pants” are also now on the ma

UNGS 1201 : Week 12 : Malaysia Flood 2021 A case of Unsustainable Development

                Hello and good morning everyone ! Thank you for still be there to read my blog ! So for this week I will share the latest case that Malaysia faced on the end of last year 2021 which is flood. So,  basically Malaysia will face flood at least once a year because of the monsoon changes. But, at the end of 2021, there are not like usual flood but it be more worse than expected. The water level increasing very fast in one state and area make it reach to the top of house's roof. Moreover, the state that involved with this flood not like usual state such Kelantan, Terengganu but it also involved Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang and many more states. This issue is a very serious issue that we as Malaysia have to care more about flood. So here I will share why does it happen ?, How does it happen ? and What is the possible solution ?                  Why does flood happen actually ? There are actually many reasons which lead to flood but the main reasons is cl

UNGS 1201 WEEK 11 : Valorising Migrants, Human Dignity and Global Engagement: Together We Triumph

                 Assalamualaikum everyone ! Alhamdulillah we are almost at the end of semester and I hope everyone doing very well πŸ˜‰ and take care ourselves during this flood disaster. So, for this week I will share the content from the video that shared by Dr. Razinah in the class which is about " Valorising Migrants, Human Dignity and Global Engagement". I will share the link below so you can watch itπŸ‘‡  (  )                    Basically, what is the reasons of people need to migrate ? People migrants to seek work and educational opportunities. While some others do so to escape conflict and disasters, extreme poverty and the adverse effects of climate change. Despite the impact of Covid-19 mobility restrictions, migration will continues to shape our world to provide benefits for our local, regional and global communities.                     Who is Migrant ? A group of people who have in common a lack of citizenship attachment to their host co


                   Assalamualaikum and  Hyee everyone ! I hope all of you doing well πŸ’ Insya Allah, for this week, we will have a short and simple blog about "Field Work and Project Initiatives of IIUM regarding Sustainable Development".  As a university, IIUM plays a significant role towards implementing Sejahtera concept within and outside communities that close to university's location.                 So, one of the initiatives that IIUM organize was "Desa Sejahtera". What actually behind this project ? Desa Sejahtera consists of squatters neighborhood that located near to IIUM Main Entrance. There are various unsustainable development issues that are within the university capacity to help. Through this initiative, the university can practice and promote the real concept of Rahmatan lil 'Alamin. It also serves as a platform for students to really understand the concept, issues, and challenges of sustainable development through experiential learning.    

UNGS 1201 Week 9 : Transdisciplinary Approach In Sustainable Development & Case Studies.

           Hyee Assalamualaikum everyone !! How's everyone after semester break ? I hope we have full energy to continue our study after getting enough rest during sem break. So, for this week I wanna share about interesting and short topic which is " Transdisciplinary Approach In Sustainable Development".           What's the meaning if that long sentence ?  Transdisciplinary is an approach to curriculum integration which dissolves the boundaries between the conventional disciplines and organizes teaching and learning around the construction of meaning in the context of real-world problems or themes.          As a common knowledge, there are actually transdisciplinary innovation which are multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary.  So why is this method very important in solving sustainable development issues ? Because  Transdisciplinary processes for Sustainable Development refer to  the relational characteristics of the collaboration between acade

Week 8 UNGS 12 : Challenges To Sustainable Development

         Assalamualaikum, how everybody ? I hope we all in a good health ! I know we are very excited to have a quality rest time during our mid semester break starting from tomorrow.  So,  for this week we will discuss about " The Challenges to Sustainable Development ".     Firstly, we have to know that there are three major in the challenges of sustainable development which are social, economic, environmental. As a general challenges that we can see many country have to face is inequalities in many terms such as access to educational resources, Health Facilities, food and clean water. But, in my opinion in Malaysia we do not have problem to get food and clean water even in rural area. Moreover, there are also specific challenges such as sustainable transport system, global poverty, climate change and clean energy.     There are a few keys challenges to achieve sustainable development. The keys consist of three ways which are instability, implementation and governance.    


         Assalamualaikum and hola guyss ! Welcome back to my blog for this week session. As mentioned above, our topic today very close with our status as university students which is roles of universities and the relation with sustainable development. Before we step further, actually what is the meaning of university ? University is an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and research and authorized to grand academic degrees. So, what's the relation between universities and sustainable development ? Can you storm your brain for a while ? Yass, so universities play an essential role in teaching the younger generation about the wide spectrum of social, economic and environmental global challenges the world is currently facing. This action is very important to increase their awareness and assist them to use their creativity in using any resources on this earth, while leading toward sustainability. As example in the diagram below showed the action took by P