UNGS 1201 WEEK 11 : Valorising Migrants, Human Dignity and Global Engagement: Together We Triumph

                 Assalamualaikum everyone ! Alhamdulillah we are almost at the end of semester and I hope everyone doing very well 😉 and take care ourselves during this flood disaster. So, for this week I will share the content from the video that shared by Dr. Razinah in the class which is about "Valorising Migrants, Human Dignity and Global Engagement". I will share the link below so you can watch it👇

                Basically, what is the reasons of people need to migrate ? People migrants to seek work and educational opportunities. While some others do so to escape conflict and disasters, extreme poverty and the adverse effects of climate change. Despite the impact of Covid-19 mobility restrictions, migration will continues to shape our world to provide benefits for our local, regional and global communities. 

                Who is Migrant ? A group of people who have in common a lack of citizenship attachment to their host country. But what is actually the difference between a 'refugee' and a 'migrant' ? A refugee is strictly defined in international law as a person who is fleeing persecution or conflict in her or his country of origin. Refugees are entitled to the full protection of refugee law, including protection from expulsion or return to situations of persecution where their life and freedom are at risk. 

                In addition, what is the organization that responsible on this issue ? It is IOM which is stands from The International Organization for Migration. The Organization works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, be they refugees, displaced persons or other uprooted people. It also operates in the four broad areas of migration management: migration and development, facilitating migration, regulating migration, and addressing forced migration. This organization support to respond the migration needs and improve migrants governance and many more. 

            For conclusion, everyone have their right to live in a better and good life. So, we have to give the migrants and refugees the opportunity in education as well as in work for them to gain knowledge and money to improve life especially when they back to their country. Allah S.W.T. also teaches all the humankind to be mercy to other people as called "Rahmatan Lil-Alamin" which means mercy to all the world. 

       I think that's all from me for this week session ! Have a good day everyone !! Goodbye 😇


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