UNGS 1201 : Week 13 : The Sustainable Development Proposal & Project

                 Hyeee and I hope all of you have a good day ! On this blog I will share all the proposals and projects that come out from my classmates relating to sustainable development. All the projects are very interesting and beneficial for our life and our earth. Are you excited to here ? heheh let's go !

                First of all, the proposal of "Menstrual cloth reusable pads". Cloth pads mimic what women used historically and so are easy to adopt. Some have a foldable shape that does not resemble a pad when drying. Some have an antimicrobial top layer for improved hygiene. They typically last for 12 to 24 months. Most are biodegradable. Lifecycle costs are significantly lower than disposable pads and they are easier to manage when compared to traditional cloth, although hygienic use still requires commitment to washing and drying. Around 12% of women in the UK are estimated to use reusable cloth pads. Ranges of “period pants” are also now on the market: underwear that absorbs menstrual blood and can then be washed normally and reused.

                Second, the project of "Food Bank In IIUM". This project is basically to reduce the percentage of students who in need of food but lack of financial especially at the end of the month. This food bank is the initiative that can help all the students to have free basic food such as bread, biscuits and many more. 

                Third, the project of "Book Bank" which is my group's project. This book bank facility is to help students to reuse their books for the next generation. Many students do not know where to put all their books after graduate or finish the semester. So, this book bank help students to share their books to the next generation either by sell it or give as free to them. This book bank can help to reduce the production of books and also can help our earth from any logging activities to produce paper. 

                Next, the project of "Fitness Application". This fitness application actually to guide students to have a good health. Students nowadays with online class make them harder to go out to the exercise. Moreover, they also spend their time in front of laptop for a very long time to finish all the assignment and homework. So, this apps can help and encourage them to do exercise regularly and even can make friends in this apps to do exercise together. 

                Last but not least, the project of "Reuse the Face Mask". As we know, we are still in the endemic Covid-19. So, the producer of face masks will increase the production from day to day because of high demands. This face masks actually can benefit for other things. Like the picture below, it shows that this face masks can be use as flower pot. This is an issue that got Marianne de Groot-Pons, a graphic designer with the Pons Ontwerp agency based in Utrecht, in the Netherlands, thinking. To cut pollution linked to mask-wearing, the young designer has come up with a 100% biodegradable model. But she hasn’t stopped there. To brighten up these gloomy times, the designer is offering an artisanal-made face mask which, once worn, can be planted in a garden or a pot and grow into flowers. This is possible thanks to flower seeds embedded in the original accessory. Instead of throw away the face masks that we use during this pandemic, we can reuse it as flower pot because its good in filtering. 

                Yeah ! That's all the project and proposal from my classmates regarding this subject. I hope we can change this earth for a better place to live with good environment. See you on the next week for our last session ! Goodbye Thank you !! 💦


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