Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hello everyone ! Welcome to my first blog and hope you will get as much information from my blog.😉

Before I start my blog, I will let you know about myself a little bit. I am Nur Ain Adlina student from International Islamic University Malaysia. Insya Allah in this blog I will be sharing to the readers what I’ve learned in this week class of UNGS 1201. For this week, we studied the introduction to sustainable development which is about definition and the fundamental concepts.

            Honestly, I have no idea and much information about Sustainable Development before I attend this class. I just think that sustainable development is about what is the best way to sustain the world resources to make sure all living things can have a good life. But, after I joined the first class with my lecturer which is Dr. Razinah, I get to know a lot information about Sustainable Development.

            On the previous Friday, 8 October 2021, it was my very first class for this course with Dr. Razinah. It is very interesting class with her clear explanation and I learnt many new things about sustainable development. Firstly, System thinking is one of the important things that people have to know because it is new paradigm of analysis that encourages and enables people to understand complex issues throughout the world. System thinking is a much more better way of thinking compared to traditional thinking which is the old-fashioned of thinking. With system thinking we can see a whole things of the problem and can get well prepared of the solutions.

( traditional thinking vs system thinking )

             Next, let’s talk about sustainable development. For sure we have to know about the definition of this word right ? So Sustainable development is the idea that human societies must live and also meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The official definition of "Sustainable Development" was developed for the first time in the Brundtland Report in 1987. There are three main components of SD which are environmental, social and economy that can’t be tackled separately.
                For instance of SD, Interceptor 002 is a new technology that has been invented and as part of the Selangor Maritime Gateway (SMG) initiative. It has already been used to clean the river for the first time in Malaysia on Klang River. The Interceptor is capable of collecting approximately 50 MT of garbage per day, as one of the signs that Klang River pollution has slowly diminished and becoming better day by day.

            I know that you are wondering why we have to know about SD ? What is the important to know about that ? Will effects our life ? So here I’ll explain to you what is important to know about SD. Sustainable development practices help countries grow in ways that adapt to the challenges posed by climate change, which will in turn help to protect important natural resources for ours and future generations. There are also much importance of sustainable development for people, prosperity, peace, partnership and planet if we keep the world with a good way.

            As conclusion, by learning Sustainable Development during my first class at previous Friday, I realized that it is much more important to us and we need to keep making a new invention for sustainable development for a bright future and the next generations. 

So, that’s all from me for the reflection of the first UNGS 1201 class for this semester. Thank you for reading my blog and see you in the next one. Bye !


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