Heyyo guys ! Assalamualaikum and Welcome back to my blog for this week. This week I learn about new interesting thing which is about "SEJAHTERA". Before this class, I haven't heard anything related about this topic. So, let's go to the explanation about this topic. 

                What is Sejahtera's Concept and Definition ? The origin of Sejahtera Concept since the first introduction, there are several attempts to identify the existence of SD within the local culture. Such identification necessary to ensure the relevancy of SD based on locality of the society and their culture. This perspective of SD is considered in the World Culture Report (UNESCO,1999) as "Culture shapes the way we see the world". It has the capacity to bring about the change of attitudes. Culture is a crucial key to solve this crisis However, UNESCO 2014 stated "Sustainable development cannot be achieved by technological solutions, political regulation or financial instruments alone". Is it means we need to change the way we think and act.

Introduction of Sejahtera Concept

Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak among the first attempt to identify the local concept in relation to SD. This concept was introduced starting from a local university which is University Science Malaysia (USM) as a way to empower and entice the students to contribute positively to the university. Subsequently, the concept of Sejahtera is introduced to International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). In this university, Sejahtera concept is practiced with the awareness on Maqasid Al-Shariah, Islamization of knowledge and the Islamic perspective on those three main components of SD.

Definition of Sejahtera

Sejahtera is a multi-layered concept that conveys a deeper meaning than any single word can convey. Literally, Sejahtera can be understood as "peace and prosperity, ease and tranquility, protected from disasters and safe. In society perspective, it indicates a peaceful and prosperous society. 

( Diagram above about Sejahtera Circle )

Sejahtera From An Islamic Perspective

Based on the Islamization approach, Sejahtera as a concept is "a state of holistic and integrated wellbeing consisting of success, happiness, security and balance in this world and in the hereafter". Sejahtera closely related of "Al-Falah". Shaikh Dr. Ali al- Qaradaghi says Al-Falah is Islam is a concept that has a number of aspects and dimensions. It embraces all the constituents of man and life because it is a comprehensive concept of spiritual, psychological and physiological happiness. 

Sejahtera In Practice

There are a few Sejahtera Practices that implement by society and also our university in IIUM. Below I will attach the activity that related to Sejahtera Practices . 

Picture above is related with "The Malay Agricultural Settlement" or know as Kampong Bahru. Its aim to create, close to the town, a sort of model village which traditional Malay agriculture and crafts might be pursued and developed.

Picture above named "River of Life Project" is a medium to make sure that everyone in IIUM aware of that clean rivers also natural aesthetic. 

Program that related to this above picture called "Jungle School Gombak Project" which is helps to empower the indigenous people in Gombak to share their cultural knowledge and expertise.

Last but not least, program "Overcoming Gender Dysphoria Project" which is introduced of harm reduction strategy for injecting drug users.

So, that all from me in this week blog, I hope you learn something new. Thank you !! 💥


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