
Showing posts from January, 2022

UNGS 1201 : Week 13 : The Sustainable Development Proposal & Project

                     Hyeee and I hope all of you have a good day ! On this blog I will share all the proposals and projects that come out from my classmates relating to sustainable development. All the projects are very interesting and beneficial for our life and our earth. Are you excited to here ? heheh let's go !                 First of all, the proposal of " Menstrual cloth reusable pads ".  Cloth pads mimic what women used historically and so are easy to adopt. Some have a foldable shape that does not resemble a pad when drying . Some  have an antimicrobial top layer for improved hygiene. They typically last for 12 to 24 months. Most are biodegradable. Lifecycle costs are significantly lower than disposable pads and they are easier to manage when compared to traditional cloth, although hygienic use still requires commitment to washing and drying. Around 12% of women in the UK  are estimated  to use reusable cloth pads. Ranges of “period pants” are also now on the ma

UNGS 1201 : Week 12 : Malaysia Flood 2021 A case of Unsustainable Development

                Hello and good morning everyone ! Thank you for still be there to read my blog ! So for this week I will share the latest case that Malaysia faced on the end of last year 2021 which is flood. So,  basically Malaysia will face flood at least once a year because of the monsoon changes. But, at the end of 2021, there are not like usual flood but it be more worse than expected. The water level increasing very fast in one state and area make it reach to the top of house's roof. Moreover, the state that involved with this flood not like usual state such Kelantan, Terengganu but it also involved Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang and many more states. This issue is a very serious issue that we as Malaysia have to care more about flood. So here I will share why does it happen ?, How does it happen ? and What is the possible solution ?                  Why does flood happen actually ? There are actually many reasons which lead to flood but the main reasons is cl